dave shelton | owner
I was first introduced to Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) as a client. Struggling with my own injuries from an active lifestyle, I grew more and more frustrated leaving each appointment with doctors scratching their heads over what was wrong. I knew they were missing something, and––having been a corrective exercise personal trainer since 2005––I decided to seek out muscle dysfunction treatments on my own.
That's when I came across MAT, and I've been an advocate for it ever since.
After becoming a regular MAT client and experiencing it's incredible healing effects firsthand, I wanted to help other people find relief from the same frustrations. So in 2008, I began my own MAT practice and became an MAT Certified Specialist in 2010. Today, I've reached the highest level of education possible for MAT with an MAT Master's Certification and continue to serve others with muscle dysfunction.
Want to learn more about my journey with MAT and how it can benefit you? Schedule an appointment with me and let's chat!